Environmental Risk Management and Insurance Solutions

Given the broad nature of environmental issues that may arise with the operations of any business, Corporate Risk Consulting, Inc. offers an array of risk and insurance-related environmental management services to assist in the mitigation of any such associated risks.

For example, in many situations surrounding mergers, acquisitions, and real estate transactions, environmental issues are prevalent and may pose very serious risks if not addressed promptly.  Corporate Risk Consulting, Inc. is able to assist in these situations by reviewing contractual documents for environmental assumption risks, facilitating appropriate insurance solutions, recommending specialized environmental vendors, and assisting in the review of various environmental site assessments such as Phase I or Phase II documents.

With Corporate Risk Consulting, Inc. assisting in the mitigation of environmental risks, clients are in a much better position to realize the benefits of reduced environmental liabilities and exposures.

The scope of services provided by our environmental management solutions service may include one or more of the following items:

   •  Environmental Contractual Review:  Corporate Risk Consulting, Inc. will conduct a comprehensive review of all contracts, leases, and organizational documents that may allow for the assumption of environmental risks.  Once completed, we will promptly render to the client all recommendations for consideration of any potential contractual revisions.

   •  Organizational Environmental Risk Review:  We review the organizational operations with the client in order to determine what their current environmental hazards and exposures are.  Once completed, recommendations will be provided to the client to assist them in determining the appropriate avenues for the mitigation of such environmental risks.  Recommendations may include direction to utilize specialized environmental health and safety vendors.

   •  Environmental Claims Assistance:  We will assist in the creation, management, and resolution of claims regarding any new or existing environmental incidents in order to assure the most beneficial outcome for our clients.

   •  Environmental Certificate of Insurance Program:  We will work with the client to establish an organized Environmental Certificate of Insurance program.  Once completed, this program will provide a framework for the client to better manage and mitigate environmental risks that may be assumed or transferred away from them. We assist in establishing corporate minimum insurance requirements for vendors, developing acceptable contractual insurance requirements, and training the client’s staff to administer the program if so desired.

   •  Environmental RFP Management: We will assist in managing the insurance carrier selection process by creating requests for proposals, creating comparison charts, interviewing qualified candidates, conducting negotiations, and ultimately providing selection recommendations.

   •  Environmental Insurance Policy Audit:  We will review all currently placed environmental insurance policies and will generate an executive report detailing any errors found, policy language recommendations, overcharges,      discrepancies between the binder and policies, gaps in coverage, and recommendations regarding areas that may require improvement.  Upon completion of the audit, we will work with all insurance companies and/or brokers to ensure all changes are satisfactory as per any of the recommendations that were made.